Vista Regsvr32 Batch

Vista Regsvr32 Batch Rating: 5,5/10 1724 reviews

Jan 06, 2010 Basic Batch file question. Regsvr32 /?, it will popup a window showing all the command line switches and parameters. This works for most commands. Jan 06, 2017 Regsvr32 is a command-line utility to register and unregister OLE controls. Regsvr32 error messages in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.

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I have used it without doing any special elevations from the run box. If I have problems with a command and it tells me needs elevation, I'll elevate if prompted but like any of the commands, some that worked in XP don't work in Vista. I've tested this using a series of commands that are in a favorite KB of mine I recommend to try to repair IE along with SFC-one of them on correting problems connecting to the web.

Vista Regsvr32 Error


The main problem I've seen running with UAC or annoyance (some would say just a symptom of enhanced security) is the odd folder that makes me single it out and take permission to drag files into or to rename but I've become used to this and it's gotten to be a reflex heading into the security tab. Accurate surveys on how many people turn of UAC since the bell shaped curve of people are the same people who think 90 mph in their gas guzzling cervical spine fracturing front end killing SUVs is too slow will be interesting. I find this a useful adjunct to SFC with IE problems and of course I use SFC as a fixer for a lot of Windows and Win Mail problems that aren't specifically attached to other fixes as well, but note not every command works in Vista: CH 'Xiyangfangzi' wrote in message news: How to run regsvr32 to add a.dll file to register under Windows Vista? I run regsvr32 to add a.dll file and system show a error code 'Ox80070005'.