Program To Draw Shapes In Java

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Java - Drawing Shapes Example in java Introduction. Applet is a program to run on the browser and it is embedded on the web page. This program is not system level. I want to write a program which can draw any type of shape that I assign. How do I draw various shapes in Java? Which library. Or play with drawing in java. Drawing with Color in Java - Programming Tutorials provides code to fill shapes with color, draw color using java, java drawing color example. Also useful java.

Java - Drawing Shapes Example in java Introduction Applet is a program to run on the browser and it is embedded on the web page. This program is not system level program but it is a network level program. The Applet class is a super class of any applet. Applet viewer is used to view or test the applet whether the applet is running properly or not. In this program we will see how to draw the different types of shapes like line, circle and rectangle. There are different types of methods for the Graphics class of the java.awt.; package have been used to draw the appropriate shape.

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Explanation of the methods used in the program is given just ahead: Graphics.drawLine: The drawLine method has been used in the program to draw the line in the applet. Here is the syntax for the drawLine method: drawLine ( int Xfromcoordinate, int Yfromcoordinate, int Xtocoordinate, int Ytocoordinate ); Graphics.drawString: The drawSring method draws the given string as the parameter. Here is the syntax of the drawString method: drawString( String string, int Xcoordinate, int Ycoordinate ); Graphics. DrawOval: The drawOval method draws the circle. Here is the syntax of the drawOval method: g.drawOval( int Xcoordinate, int Ycoordinate, int Wdth, int height ); Graphics.drawRect: The drawRect method draws the rectangle.

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Program To Draw Shapes

Here is the syntax of the drawRect method: g.drawRect( int Xcoordinate, int Ycoordinate, int Wdth, int height ) Here is the java code of the program.