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The Marathi Wikipedia (Marathi: मराठी विकिपीडिया) is the Marathi language edition of Wikipedia, a free and publicly editable online.

Old Marathi Modern Marathi Old Marathi 59-AAF-o Marathi ( English:; मराठी Marāṭhī; Marathi: ( )) is an Indo-European language spoken predominantly by the of,. It is the and co-official language in the and states of, respectively, and is one of the 22 scheduled. There were 73 million speakers in 2007; Marathi ranks 19th in the.

Marathi has the fourth largest number of native speakers in India, after, and, in that order. Marathi has some of the oldest literature of all modern Indo-Aryan languages, dating from about 900 AD.

The major dialects of Marathi are Standard Marathi and the., has been heavily influenced by Marathi varieties. The earliest example of the existence of Marathi as an independent language dates back to more than 2,000 years Marathi distinguishes forms of 'we' and possesses a three-way system that features the neuter in addition to the masculine and the feminine. In its phonology it contrasts with and, in common with, with laterals ( l and ɭ, Marathi letters ल and ळ respectively). Contents. Geographic distribution Marathi is primarily spoken in and parts of neighbouring states of, (Particularly the bordering districts of, and ), union-territories of and.

The former Maratha ruled cities of, and have had sizable Marathi speaking populations for centuries. Marathi is also spoken by emigrants to other parts of India and overseas. Status Marathi is the of and co-official language in the union territories of and. In, is the sole official language; however, Marathi may also be used for some official purposes in some case.

Marathi is included among the languages which stand a part of the Eighth Schedule of the, thus granting it the status of a 'scheduled language'. The Government of Maharashtra has submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture to grant status to Marathi. Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha is the main regulator of Marathi The contemporary grammatical rules described by and endorsed by the are supposed to take precedence in standard written Marathi. Traditions of Marathi Linguistics and the above-mentioned rules give special status to, words adapted from Sanskrit. This special status expects the rules for tatsamas to be followed as in Sanskrit. This practice provides Marathi with a large treasure of Sanskrit words to cope with demands of new technical words whenever needed. In addition to all universities in Maharashtra, in, in, in, in, in and in have special departments for higher studies in Marathi linguistics.


(New Delhi) has announced plans to establish a special department for Marathi. Marathi Day is celebrated on 27 February, the birthday of poet. History Indian languages, including Marathi, that belong to the are derived from early forms of. Marathi is one of several languages that further descend from. Further change led to the languages like Old Marathi, however this is challenged by Bloch (1970), who states that was formed after Marathi had already separated from the Middle Indian dialect. Marathi literature, 12th–17th centuries.

Main article: Yadava began and grew owing to the rise of the, who adopted Marathi as the court language and patronised Marathi scholars. Further growth and usage of the language was because of two religious sects – the and s – who adopted Marathi as the medium for preaching their doctrines of devotion. Marathi had attained a venerable place in court life by the time of the Seuna kings.

During the reign of the last three Seuna kings, a great deal of literature in verse and prose, on astrology, medicine, kings and courtiers were created. Nalopakhyan, Rukmini swayamvar and Shripati's Jyotishratnamala (1039) are a few examples. The oldest book in prose form in Marathi, Vivēkasindhu ( विवेकसिंधु), was written by Mukundaraja, a yogi and arch-poet of Marathi.

Distribution and habitat

Mukundaraja bases his exposition of the basic tenets of the and the yoga marga on the utterances or teachings of. Mukundaraja's other work, Paramamrta, is considered the first systematic attempt to explain the Vedanta in the Marathi language Mahanubhava Notable examples of Marathi prose are ' Līḷācarītra' ( लीळाचरीत्र), events and anecdotes from the miracle filled life of of the Mahanubhava sect compiled by his close disciple, Mahimbhatta, in 1238. The is thought to be the first biography written in the Marathi language. Mahimbhatta's second important literary work is the Shri Govindaprabhucharitra or Rudhipurcharitra, a biography of Shri Chakradhar Swami's guru, Shri Govind Prabhu. This was probably written in 1288. The Mahanubhava sect made Marathi a vehicle for the propagation of religion and culture.

Mahanubhava literature generally comprises works that describe the incarnations of gods, the history of the sect, commentaries on the, poetical works narrating the stories of life of and grammatical and etymological works that are deemed useful to explain the philosophy of sect. Medieval and Deccan Sultanate period The 13th century varkari saint (1275–1296) wrote a treatise in Marathi on Bhagawat Gita popularly called and. His contemporary, Namdev composed verses or abhang in Marathi as well as Hindi. Style korg pa 800 pret. Mukund Raj was a poet who lived in the 13th century and is said to be the first poet who composed in Marathi. He is known for the Viveka-Siddhi and Parammrita which are metaphysical, pantheistic works connected with orthodox. The 16th century saint-poet (1528–1599) is well known for composing the Eknāthī Bhāgavat, a commentary on Bhagavat Purana and the devotional songs called Bharud. Mukteshwar translated the into Marathi; (1608–49) transformed Marathi into a rich literary language.

His poetry contained his inspirations. Tukaram wrote over 3000 or devotional songs.

Marathi was widely used during the Sultanate period. Although the rulers were Muslims, the local feudal landlords and the revenue collectors were Hindus and so was the majority of the population. Political expediency made it important for the sultans to make use of Marathi. Nevertheless, Marathi in official documents from the era is totally in its vocabulary. The persian influence continues to this day with many persian derived words used in every day speech such as bāg (Garden), kārkhānā (factory), shahar (city), bāzār (market), dukān (shop), hushār (clever), kāḡaḏ (paper), khurchi (chair), jamin (land), jāhirāt (advertisement), and hazār (thousand) Marathi also became language of administration during the. Adilshahi of Bijapur also used Marathi for administration and record keeping. Maratha Empire Marathi gained prominence with the rise of the empire beginning with the reign of ( ruled 1674–1680).

Under Shivaji, the language used administrative documents became less persianised. Whereas in 1630, 80% of the vocabulary was Persian, it dropped to 37% by 1677 was a contemporary of Shivaji. He advocated the unity of Marathas to propagate Maharashtra dharma. Unlike varkari saints, his writing has a strong militant expression to it. Subsequent Maratha rulers extended the empire northwards to, eastwards to, and southwards to in.

These excursions by the Marathas helped to spread Marathi over broader geographical regions. This period also saw the use of Marathi in transactions involving land and other business. Documents from this period, therefore, give a better picture of life of common people.

There are lot of Bakharis written in Marathi and Modi script from this period. But by the late 18th century, the Maratha Empire's influence over a large part of the country was on the decline In the 18th century during Peshwa rule, some well-known works such as Yatharthadeepika by, Naladamayanti Swayamvara by, Pandava Pratap, Harivijay, Ramvijay by Shridhar Pandit and Mahabharata by were produced.

Krishnadayarnava and Sridhar were poets during the period. New literary forms were successfully experimented with during the period and classical styles were revived, especially the Mahakavya and Prabandha forms. The most important hagiographies of Varkari Bhakti saints was written by in the 18th Century.

Other well known literary scholars of the 17th century were and. Mukteshwar was the grandson of and is the most distinguished poet in the ovi meter.He is most known for translating the and the in Marathi but only a part of the Mahabharata translation is available and the entire Ramayana translation is lost. Shridhar Kulkarni came from the Pandharpur area and his works are said to have superseded the Sanskrit epics to a certain extent.This period also saw development of Powada (ballads sung in honor of warriors),and (romantic songs presented with dance).Major poet composers of and songs of the 17th and the 18th century were Anant Phandi,Ram Joshi and.

British colonial period The starting in early 1800s saw standardisation of Marathi grammar through the efforts of the Christian missionary. Carey's dictionary had fewer entries and Marathi words were in. Translations of the were first books to be printed in Marathi.These translations by William Carey, the and the Scottish missionaries led to the development of a peculiar pidginized Marathi called the 'Missionary Marathi in early 1800s The most comprehensive Marathi-English dictionary was compiled by Captain and Major in 1831. The book is still in print nearly two centuries after its publication. The colonial authorities also worked on standardizing Marathi under the leadership of and Candy.They used Brahmins of for this task and adopted the Sanskrit dominated dialect spoken by elite in the city as the standard dialect for Marathi., The first Marathi translation of an English book was published in 1817 , and the first Marathi newspaper was started in 1832. Newspapers provided a platform for sharing literary views, and many books on social reforms were written.

The Marathi language flourished as Marathi drama gained popularity. Musicals known as also evolved., the father of modern Marathi poetry published his first poem in 1885. First Marathi periodical Dirghadarshan was started in 1840 while first Marathi newspaper Durpan was started by Balshastri Jambhekar in 1832. The late-19th century in Maharashtra saw the rise of with his periodical, Nibandhmala that had essays that criticized social reformers like and.

Phule and Deshmukh also started their own periodicals, and Prabhakar, that criticised the prevailing Hindu culture of the day. The first half of the 20th century was marked by new enthusiasm in literary pursuits, and socio-political activism helped achieve major milestones in, drama, music and film. Modern Marathi prose flourished through various new literary forms like the essay, the biographies, the novels, prose, drama etc. 's biographical writings, novels of, and, 's nationalist literature and plays of Mama Varerkar and Kirloskar's are particularly worth noting. Marathi since Indian independence.

The popular at a newsstand in Mumbai, 2006 After, Marathi was accorded the status of a scheduled language on the national level. On 1 May 1960, Maharashtra was re-organised along linguistic lines; this added Vidarbha and Marathwada regions to its fold and thus about the socio-political unity of major portions of the Marathi speaking. With state and cultural protection, Marathi made great strides by the 1990s. A literary event called (All-India Marathi Literature Meet) is held every year. In addition, the Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Natya Sammelan (All-India Marathi Theatre Convention) is also held annually. Both events are very popular among Marathi speakers.

Notable works in Marathi in the latter half of 20th century includes Khandekar's, which won him the. Also 's plays in Marathi have earned him a reputation beyond. (PuLa), &, were also known for their writings in Marathi in the field of drama, comedy and social commentary In 1958 the term 'Dalit literature' was used for the first time, when the first conference of Maharashtra Dalit Sahitya Sangha (Maharashtra Dalit Literature Society) was held at, a movement inspired by 19th century social reformer, and eminent dalit leader, Dr. (1930–2008) was a pioneer of writings in Marathi. His first collection of stories, Jevha Mi Jat Chorali (जेव्हा मी जात चोरली) (When I Concealed My Caste), published in 1963, created a stir in with its passionate depiction of a cruel society and thus brought in new momentum to Dalit literature in Marathi.

Gradually with other writers like, (who founded ), these Dalit writings paved way for the strengthening of Dalit movement. Notable Dalit authors writing in Marathi include, Narendra jadhav, and Urmila Pawar. In recent decades there has been a trend among Marathi speaking parents of all social classes in major urban areas of sending their children to English medium schools. There is some concern, though without foundation, that this may lead to marginalisation of the language.

Dialects. See also: Standard Marathi is based on dialects used by academics and the print media. Indic scholars distinguish 42 dialects of spoken Marathi. Dialects bordering other major language areas have many properties in common with those languages, further differentiating them from standard spoken Marathi.

The bulk of the variation within these dialects is primarily lexical and phonological (e.g. Accent placement and pronunciation). Although the number of dialects is considerable, the degree of intelligibility within these dialects is relatively high. Zadi Boli Zadi Boli or Zhadiboli (झाडीबोली) is spoken in Zadipranta (a forest rich region) of far eastern Maharashtra or eastern Vidarbha or western-central Gondwana comprising, and some parts of of Maharashtra. Zadi Boli Sahitya Mandal and many literary figures are working for the conservation of this important and distinct dialect of Marathi.

Southern Indian Marathi , Namadeva Shimpi Marathi, Arey Marathi and Marathi are some of the dialects of Marathi spoken by many descendants of Maharashtrians who migrated to the. These dialects retain the 17th century basic form of Marathi and have been considerably influenced by the Dravidian languages after the migration.

These dialects have speakers in various parts of, and. Main article: Varhadi (Varhādi) (वऱ्हाडी) or Vaidarbhi (वैदर्भी) is spoken in the region of Maharashtra. In Marathi, the ḷ is common, while in the Varhadii dialect, it corresponds to the y (IPA: j), making this dialect quite distinct. Such shifts are common in spoken Marathi and, as such, the spoken dialects vary from one region of Maharashtra to another. Others., spoken in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu., spoken by the Jews Other Languages and dialects spoken in Maharashtra include, and.

Phonology. See also: From the thirteenth century until 1950, Marathi, especially for business use, was written in the — a cursive script designed for minimising the lifting of pen from paper while writing.

Consonant clusters in Devanagari In Devanagari, consonant letters by default come with an inherent. Therefore, तयाचे will be 'təyāche', not 'tyāche'.

To form 'tyāche', you will have to write it as त् + याचे, giving त्याचे. When two or more consecutive consonants are followed by a vowel then a jodakshar (consonant cluster) is formed. Some examples of consonant clusters are shown below:. त्याचे - tyāche - 'his'.

प्रस्ताव - prastāva - 'proposal'. वि द्या - vidyā - 'knowledge'. म्यान - myān 'Sheath/scabbard'.


त्वरा - tvarā 'immediate/Quick'. मह त्त्व - mahatttva - 'importance'. फ क्त - phakta - 'only'. बाहु ल्या - bāhulyā - 'dolls' In writing, Marathi has a few that are rarely seen in the world's languages, including those denoting the so-called 'nasal aspirates' (ṇh, nh, and mh) and liquid aspirates (rh, ṟh, lh, and vh). Some examples are given below. क ण्हेरी - kaṇherī - 'a shrub known for flowers'/ Oleander. न्हाणे - nhāṇe - 'bathing'.

म्हणून - mhaṇūna - 'therefore'. त ऱ्हा - taṟhā - 'different way of behaving'. को ल्हा - kolhā - 'fox'. कें व्हा - keṃvhā - 'when' Grammar. Main article: Marathi grammar shares similarities with other modern. The first modern book exclusively concerning Marathi Grammar was printed in 1805. Marathi employs, and forms.

Unlike most other Indo-Aryan languages, Marathi preserves all three from Sanskrit: masculine, feminine and neuter. The primary word order of Marathi is Marathi follows a pattern of verb and: it is ergative in constructions with either transitive verbs or with the obligative ('should', 'have to') and it is nominative elsewhere. An unusual feature of Marathi, as compared to other, is that it displays also found in and and common to the and. Other similarities to Dravidian include the extensive use of and also to a certain extent the use of the two swətah and apəṇ. Numerous scholars have noted the existence of linguistic patterns in the Marathi language. Vocabulary Sharing of linguistic resources with other languages. Marathi neon signboard at headquarters in Mumbai.

Over a period of many centuries the Marathi language and people came into contact with many other languages and dialects. The primary influence of, and is understandable. Marathi borrows a lot of its vocabulary from. Marathi has also shared directions, vocabulary and grammar with languages such as Indian, and foreign languages such as, and a little from. While recent genome studies suggest some amount of political and trade relations between the Indian subcontinent and East Africa, Middle East, Central Asia over a millennium, these studies are still not conclusive about the exact effect on linguistics. , the noted freedom fighter and Hindutva Ideologue and also writer and poet in his own right,has contributed to Marathi language, by coining new Marathi equivalents for words from other languages, mostly English.

Prior to these Marathi equivalents, words from other languages were used commonly which was unacceptable to Savarkar. He opined that intrusion of foreign words, polluted the Marathi language, while also rendering the original Marathi words, of the same meanings, obsolete. Following are some of the words coined and popularised by him for safeguarding cultural integrity: Marathi has also shared directions, vocabulary and grammar with languages such as Indian, and foreign languages such as, and a little from.

This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. (April 2016) Spoken Marathi contains a high number of Sanskrit-derived ( ) words. Such words are for example nantar (from nantara or after), purṇa ( purṇa or complete, full, or full measure of something), ola ( ola or damp), karaṇ ( karaṇa or cause), puṣkaḷ ( puṣkala or much, many), satat ( satata or always), vichitra ( vichitra or strange), svatah ( svatah or himself/herself), prayatna ( prayatna or effort, attempt), bhīti (from bhīti, or fear) and bhāṇḍa ( bhāṇḍa or vessel for cooking or storing food).

Other words (') have undergone from their Sanskrit roots, for example dār ( dwāra or door), ghar ( gṛha or house), vāgh ( vyāghra or tiger), paḷaṇe ( palāyate or to run away), kiti ( kati or how many) have undergone more modification. Examples of words borrowed from other Indian and foreign languages include:. Aḍakittā 'nutcracker' directly borrowed from.

Akka 'aunt' borrowed from. Hajērī Attendance from Haziri Urdu. Jāhirāta 'advertisement' is derived from Arabic zaahiraat. Marjī 'wish' is derived from Persian 'marzi'. Shiphārasa 'recommendation' is derived from Persian sefaresh A lot of English words are commonly used in conversation, and are considered to be assimilated into the Marathi vocabulary. These include 'pen' (native Marathi lekhaṇii) and 'shirt' ( sadaraa). Compounds Marathi uses many processes to join words together, forming.

For example, ati + uttam gives the word atyuttam, miith-bhaakar ('salt-bread'), udyog-patii ('businessman'), ashṭa-bhujaa ('eight-hands', name of a Hindu goddess). Counting Like many other languages, Marathi uses distinct names for the numbers 1 to 20 and each multiple of 10, and composite ones for those greater than 20. As with other Indic languages, there are distinct names for the fractions ​ 1⁄ 4, ​ 1⁄ 2, and ​ 3⁄ 4.

They are paava, ardhaa, and pauṇa, respectively. For most fractions greater than 1, the prefixes savvaa-, saaḍe-, paavaṇe- are used. There are special names for ​ 3⁄ 2 ( diiḍ) and ​ 5⁄ 2 ( aḍich). Powers of ten are denoted by separate specific words as depicted in below table.

Bloch, J (1970). Motilal Banarsidass Publ.

Dhongde, Ramesh Vaman; Wali, Kashi (2009). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. A Survey of Marathi Dialects. The State Board for Literature and Culture, Bombay.

Marathi: The Language and its Linguistic Traditions - Prabhakar Machwe, Indian and Foreign Review, 15 March 1985. 'Atyavashyak Marathi Vyakaran' ( Essential Marathi Grammar) - Dr.

Vardhe. 'Marathi Vyakaran' ( Marathi Grammar) - Moreshvar Sakharam More. 'Marathi Vishwakosh, Khand 12 ( Marathi World Encyclopedia, Volume 12), Maharashtra Rajya Vishwakosh Nirmiti Mandal, Mumbai.

'Marathyancha Itihaas' by Dr. Kolarkar, Shrimangesh Publishers, Nagpur. 'History of Medieval Hindu India from 600 CE to 1200 CE, by C.

Vaidya. Marathi Sahitya (Review of the Marathi Literature up to I960) by Kusumavati Deshpande, Maharashtra Information Centre, New Delhi External links of, the free encyclopedia. Find more about Marathiat Wikipedia's. from Wiktionary. from Wikimedia Commons. from Wikinews. from Wikiquote.

from Wikisource. from Wikibooks. from Wikivoyage. from Wikiversity. —a textbook for learning Marathi through Hindi from the Central Institute of Indian Languages Dictionaries. Molesworth, J. (James Thomas).

Bombay: Printed for government at the Bombay Education Society's press, 1857. Vaze, Shridhar Ganesh. Poona: Arya-Bhushan Press, 1911. Tulpule, Shankar Gopal and Anne Feldhaus. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1999.