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Have you considered that trying to acquire a book for free is exactly the same as shoplifting. If you do it you ARE a criminal.
Shoplifters go to jail. You are stealing not just the book, but the author’s payment as well. You’re also the kind of idiot that thinks all authors earn ‘enough’, that they all earn the same kind of money as JK Rowling. The truth is that most don’t earn enough to write full-time. They write at night, early in the morning, any moment they can snatch while holding down sometimes up to 2 jobs to make ends meet. Stealing online is no different than someone breaking into your home and stealing your stuff. Would that be ok with you?
You’re also the kind of idiot that thinks entertaining you should be seen as a privilege. Do you work for free? Would you work for free? Authors put many long hours, sometimes years into writing a book. They go through many rejections before a publisher accepts it.
If they self-publish they spend hard earned money trying to promote the book. Respect that. Pay for the book. Respect yourself.
Don’t be a criminal.