Driver Plotter Refine Mh721
USCutter Software, Drivers, Plugins and Guide Downloads. Find the USCutter software, drivers, plugins and guides you need to set up. CE5000 Plotter Condivoller Driver. The MH Series Vinyl Cutter is available in 14', 28', 34', and 50' sizes. Perfect for use with your cutter plotter! Designs include: Animal Flames: 5 images.
Here you can find links to download and instructions to install the Windows drivers for your MH MK2 series cutter. Please note: The MH MK2 is not supported on Mac OSX Driver Setup Guides Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 Driver and Setup Instructions To install the Windows 8, 8.1, & 10 compatible driver for your cutter please save the file included above on this support page. Then follow the steps included to complete the driver installation. STEP 1: Run file that you saved from above link. Extract the USCutter folder to a location you can find later (often Desktop is good).
STEP 2: Ensure Mk2 cutter is connected via USB and powered on. STEP 3: Access the Device Manager. To access, right-click on the Windows icon on your desk top choose Device Manager from menu. STEP 4: Locate Other Devices and find USCutter series within. STEP 5: Right-click USCutter series and choose Update Driver Software. STEP 6: Select the second option, Browse my computer for driver software. STEP 7: Press Browse button to locate and select the USCutter folder from STEP 1.
After selected, make sure that Include subfolders is checked. STEP 8: Press Next button to install driver.
If you get a Third party INF does not contain digital signature error after STEP 8, follow these instructions. Process will involve rebooting computer so shut down and save any needed files before. This will temporarily disable a security function in your operating system, it will still flag files with a red permissions window, and can be fully enabled afterward by a simple reboot. STEP 9: Click the power icon next to the Windows icon on your desktop. STEP 10: Hold Shift key on keyboard while clicking Restart (you can release Shift after this). STEP 11: Choose Troubleshoot. STEP 12: Choose Advanced options.
STEP 13: Choose Startup Settings. STEP 14: Click Restart button. STEP 15: At Startup Settings window use 7 or F7 key on keyboard to select option 7) Disable driver signature enforcement. STEP 16: After computer reboots, got back to STEP 3 Once the driver has been successfully installed the USCutter series will move out of Other Device group to Printers group. Did you find it helpful?